Beyond Sorry: A short man that smoked a pipe

Beyond Sorry: A short man that smoked a pipe
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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Aggie Abbott recalls that when her family heard that her sister had a little white child, they travelled by camel from Ross River to see her. A re-enactment shows a young Zita running through the scrub. Zita, now in her sixties, walks through landscape, and recalls getting bush tucker with her family, and in voice-over Aggie Abbott describes how the family hunted kangaroo. Aggie and Zita both say that being half-caste did not affect how their families treated them. Aggie Abbott describes the 'short man that smoked a pipe’, who came on social pretext but who would identify and report the children to the authorities. Soon after, a truck from Arltunga would come to collect the children. Summary by Romaine Moreton.