Case 442: The light of day

Case 442: The light of day
WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and/or audio of deceased persons
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Evelyn Grove (Graylands Hospital nurse), Frank Byrne and Justin Howard (Stolen Generations senior case worker) walk the corridors of Claremont Hospital. Evelyn talks about Maudie Yooringun, Frank’s mother, and how she loved going to the children’s ward to help look after the kids. Evelyn recalls when one day she asked Maudie if she had any family, Maudie became visibly upset. Evelyn says getting out of Claremont was an unlikely prospect for the inmates. Black-and-white reconstruction depicts a young Maudie, with Frank’s voice-over saying that once Maudie was taken to Claremont, she would never ever get out again. Maudie remained incarcerated in Claremont Hospital for the insane for 18 years. Pam Mikus, Community Liaison for Graylands, shows Frank and Evelyn hospital archives, some of the contents depicting Maudie. Summary by Romaine Moreton.