TAGGED: film

The NFSA joins the Australian film industry in mourning the loss of artist, writer and filmmaker Sarah Watt to cancer.


Much-loved Australian film critic John Hinde would have turned 100 today. NFSA Library manager Jan Thurling celebrates the radio and TV personality on his anniversary.


NFSA Development Manager Executive Dominic Case looks back at the days when computers first infiltrated the film industry, and wonders what the digital present - and future - holds for film archives.


The Marius Sestier film previously believed to have been shot in a Melbourne park has now been identified as being shot in Sydney's Prince Alfred Park.


Latest additions to the Australian Mediatheque in Melbourne's Federation Square include early AFL footage and films of the Murray River Region.


When most people think of Clare Valley, their minds immediately turn to wine. But amidst the undulating rows of grapevines is one of Australia’s most exciting new short film festivals.


The last roll of 35mm Kodachrome film is ready to be processed.


Today, the release of 'Patineur Grotesque' and the visit of Marius Sestier’s descendants, Mons. Robert Sestier and his sister, Mme Marie-Dominique Petitbois was celebrated in Arc cinema.